An Introduction & Overview
The audio files and notes below come from Brother Ron Courter. Brother Courter was invited to hold a gospel meeting at the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma congregation on the dates of May 5-12, 2013. Each service Brother Courter spoke for about an hour giving basic interpretative guidelines, suggestions and an overview of the Book of Revelation. Brother Courter is well qualified to present this material – having studied the Book of Revelation for many years and having given encouragement to many to read this inspired book with a degree of understanding.
The PDF file contains the written material which was passed out to the audience at the beginning of the week. From time to time in Brother Courter’s sermons he will refer to these written notes, diagrams and illustrations.
I wish to thank Brother Bill Fergerson for his generosity in allowing me to post these materials on this website. I thank Brother Eric Courter (Ron Courter’s son) for recording these sermons and making them available to us.
Suggestion: Consider downloading the KMPlayer program. This KMPlayer program is free. This program allows the user to speed up the playback of audio files. Since Brother Courter speaks somewhat slowly, the user can speed up the playback up to three times the original speed and listen to each sermon in only a fraction of it’s original time. The KMPlayer speeds up playback without the typical “chipmunk” sound in the speaker’s voice. On the other hand, for those who opine that Brother Courter speaks too fast, the KMPlayer allows one to slow down the playback.
Best wishes to all who would listen to these sermons and attempt to have a better grasp of God’s wonderful book – The Book of Revelation.
Ron Courter – Handouts on Revelation (PDF Format)
Click on each sermon to play the audio